Congratulations, Dr. Ware!
Congratulations to Kierra Ware on successfully defending her thesis in December 2024. We are so proud of you, Dr. Ware!
Welcome our new member, Dr. Hongli Ma!
We are excited to welcome our newest member, postdoctoral fellow Dr. Hongli Ma. She joined us from Peking Union Medical College in December 2024! We are happy to have you on our team working on cell-cell interactions and crosstalk in neurodegeneration and aging!
Congrats to Kirsten Voice!
Our undergraduate Summer Undergraduate Research Fellow (SURF) Kirsten Voice won 1st place in the UC-CCHMC SURF-Neuroscience Capstone presentation! Great job, Kirsten!
Welcome our new member, Dr. Hugues!
We warmly welcome Dr. Nicolas Hugues, our new postdoctoral fellow, who joined us from Institut de Neurobiologie de la Mediterranee and Cerimed in France. We are excited to have him on our team to work on neuroinflammation in stroke and aging.
Congratulations to Jiapeng on publishing a first author paper!! Check out his paper in the Journal of Translational Stroke Research here. Use the learn more button at the bottom of the page to check out additional publications.
Congratulations to Alicia on publishing a first author paper!! Check out her paper in the Journal of Neuroinflammation here.
Congratulations to Massiyah Stevens who graduated from SURF program today! Massiyah worked in the lab and presented his project titled “TGF-β Signaling Mediates Microglia Repopulation Following PLX Ablation: Glial Characterization”. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Tania Bellinger who won first place in a poster presentation for the SURF GE program today! Bellinger worked in the Luo lab (Molgen) and presented a poster titled “Comparison of Adult Neurogenesis in Cortical Ischemic Stroke Models”. Congratulations!